Sunday, August 29, 2010

Raising a Daughter of Christ

The following is a photo of my daughter and I at Bear Creek Park in Surrey, B.C. Raising a Daughter of Christ certainly has its many challenges. This leads me to a verse in Proverbs...

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

In a nutshell we're training for reigning (eternal perspective). My role essentially is to be the Godly man in her life until she chooses to get married. This is not always easy, especially when catastrophe strikes. Lets face it, we're human and prone to sin.

A majority of our raising / training comes from my wife and my daily activities, being the prime example in our children's lives. With our daughter being home schooled we have many opportunities to train her during the events of our lives. For example over the last several weeks we've been surrounded by wild fires, we've now Incorporated that into her education by teaching her about why the fires started what tools the firefighters are using and about firefighters in general. Because what she is learning is a reality it gives her an opportunity to retain more information because its now become an experience she will never forget.

In general our day begins with the reading of the Proverb of the day. If you aren't already doing this I highly recommend that you begin. There are 31 Proverbs which naturally allows for one every day of the month. If you're in a month with less than 31 days, this gives you an opportunity to read a little bit more at the end of that particular month.

After the Proverb of the day, which is usually read at breakfast, my wife begins her schooling with our daughter. My daughter takes several subjects, including math, Gods word, creation science, handwriting, spelling, phonics and geography. Last year my daughter completed kindergarten in 4 months, so we did another more advanced kindergarten which she completed in 5 months, we then started her in grade 1 which she will be completed by December. She only turned 6 in July.

There is a misconception about home schooling in society. Some of the arguments are that home schooled children are isolated from society, unsocialized and are not educated adequately. These arguments I don't doubt are a reality for a very few of the children that are home schooled. However, this is not the reality for the majority that are home schooled in particular my children.

Raising a daughter of Christ is probably one of our life's greatest challenges, its also the most rewarding. By training our children in the home we must lead by example. When daddy backs the van into a telephone pole his children are watching and will eventually emulate his re-actions, good or bad. Likewise when mommy gets mad at daddy for backing into the telephone pole.

Raising children is the most rewarding occurance life can offer. It is our number one minisrty.

God Bless.


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